Sports Bar Chiang Mai
Sports Bar Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai's top spot for Baby Guinness
Unique version of classic Irish drink
Small and cozy bar with friendly atmosphere

The Best Baby Guinness in Chiang Mai

Welcome to Freerolls Restaurant and Sports Bar, your one-stop destination for good food, great drinks, and an unbeatable atmosphere in Chiang Mai. We pride ourselves on offering an extensive menu filled with mouthwatering dishes and an impressive selection of drinks, including the best Baby Guinness cocktails in town. Join us at Freerolls and experience the perfect blend of flavors that will leave you craving for more.

What is a Baby Guinness?

For those unfamiliar with this delicious concoction, a Baby Guinness is a popular cocktail that resembles a tiny pint of the famous Irish beer. Despite its petite size, this drink packs a punch in terms of flavor. The classic Baby Guinness cocktail consists of just two ingredients: coffee liqueur and Irish cream. The layered presentation of dark coffee liqueur topped with a creamy, smooth layer of Irish cream creates a striking resemblance to a miniature pint of Guinness.

At Freerolls, our talented bartenders have perfected the art of making Baby Guinness cocktails. Each drink is crafted with precision and care, ensuring that every sip explodes with rich flavors that will tantalize your taste buds.

Why Freerolls?

Now, you may be wondering why Freerolls is the ultimate destination in Chiang Mai for the best Baby Guinness. Let us dive into the reasons why:

Join Us at Freerolls

Whether you're a long-time fan of the Baby Guinness or have yet to try this delectable cocktail, we invite you to join us at Freerolls Restaurant and Sports Bar and experience the best Baby Guinness in Chiang Mai. Our talented mixologists, quality ingredients, variety of flavors, inviting ambiance, and impeccable service combine to make Freerolls the ultimate destination for cocktail lovers.

Indulge in the flavors, savor every sip, and let the Baby Guinness at Freerolls transport you to a world of taste sensations. Visit us today and discover why we have earned a reputation as the go-to spot for the best Baby Guinness in Chiang Mai!

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Sports Bar Chiang Mai