Sports Bar Chiang Mai
Sports Bar Chiang Mai
No alcohol sales on Saturday 24th February 202
Thai government bans alcohol sales for one day
Temporary prohibition of alcohol in Thailand

No Alcohol Sales in Thailand on Saturday 24th February 2024

At Freerolls Restaurant and Sports Bar, we understand the importance of a vibrant nightlife and the enjoyment that comes with socializing over a drink. However, it is crucial to stay informed about the regulations and policies related to alcohol sales in Thailand. On Saturday, 24th February 2024, there will be a temporary restriction on alcohol sales throughout the country.

Understanding the Temporary Ban

The decision to implement a no alcohol sales day on the specified date is part of an effort by the Thai government due to a religious holiday.

This temporary ban applies to all establishments across Thailand, including bars, clubs, restaurants, and convenience stores. It is important for businesses like ours at Freerolls Restaurant and Sports Bar to comply with these regulations and support initiatives that promote responsible drinking habits.

How Freerolls Can Help You Enjoy Your Day

While alcohol sales may be temporarily restricted on this particular day, Freerolls remains committed to providing our patrons with an enjoyable experience. We believe that good company and delicious food can still make for an unforgettable day even without alcohol.

Come join us at Freerolls Restaurant and Sports Bar on Saturday, 24th February 2024, where you can indulge in our mouthwatering dishes prepared by our talented chefs. Our diverse menu offers something for everyone – from delectable appetizers to savory main courses.

In addition to our delicious cuisine, we have a wide range of non-alcoholic beverages available that will perfectly complement your meal. From refreshing mocktails to freshly brewed coffee, our friendly staff will ensure that your day is filled with delight.

Alternative Entertainment Options

If you are looking to make the most of the no alcohol sales day, Freerolls has got you covered. Our establishment features a variety of entertainment options that do not rely on alcohol for enjoyment. You can engage in friendly competitions with friends and fellow patrons through our pool tables, dartboards, and other interactive games.

Moreover, we have multiple big screens where you can catch up on the latest sporting events. Cheer for your favorite team while relishing our delectable dishes and refreshing non-alcoholic beverages.

A Reminder to Drink Responsibly

At Freerolls Restaurant and Sports Bar, we always prioritize the well-being and safety of our customers. While we understand the temporary nature of the no alcohol sales day, we encourage responsible drinking habits throughout the year. We remind all our patrons to drink responsibly, know their limits, and never drink and drive.

So mark your calendars for Saturday, 24th February 2024, when Thailand observes a no alcohol sales day. Join us at Freerolls Restaurant and Sports Bar for an exceptional dining experience with delightful cuisine, exciting entertainment options, and an ambiance that ensures your enjoyment even without alcoholic beverages.

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Sports Bar Chiang Mai